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Chamoxeuli_Bilbordebi მოგესალმებით: Stumari | ჯგუფი "GUEST"

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მთავარი გვერდი » Файлы » Blink 182



Full Name: Markus Allen Hoppus
Blink 182 relation: Singer/Bass Player
Born: March 15, 1972
Maritial Status:
Favorite Band: Jimmy Eat World/Riverfenix
Favorite Movie: Caddyshack

Mark wrote "Going away to college" on valentines day after watching can't hardly wait.

Mark has his nipple pierced.

Mark's hero of all time is none other than Homer J. Simpson.

Mark has 0.0 tattoos on his most of the time naked body.

Mark constantly calls his girlfriend on his cell phone when he has free time.

Mark appeared on-stage nude, at MTV's Castaway Countdown, during the band's performance of What's My Age Again?

Mark hates playing any tour dates in Europe

Mark appeared on-stage nude, again, at KROQ's 1999 Weenie Roast.

Mark actually hates the taste of beer, no lie.

At a show in Boston, he took an inflatable sheep, shoved a drum stick up it's ass, and tossed it into the crowd.

Mark thinks Disney Movies kick ass!

Mark attended Burroughs High School in Ridgecrest, California.

Mark wrote Dammit in just 5 minutes, about a break-up that never actually happened.

Owns a pet beagle, named Ahi.

დასახელება: Blink 182 | დაამატა: Beria |
ნანახია: 1368 |  კომენტარი: 1

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