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Chamoxeuli_Bilbordebi მოგესალმებით: Stumari | ჯგუფი "GUEST"

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მთავარი გვერდი » Файлы » Blink 182

-The Band-

-The Band-

Other names considered for Enema of the State were: Turn your head and cough, Viking Wizard Eyes and blink 182: Electric Boogaloo

Adam's song was inspired by a magazine article about a teenager who committed suicide.

Used to call themselves "Sexual Monkey" as a joke.

Appears in the movie, American Pie.

Their album, Dude Ranch, is certified gold in both the U.S. and Canada, and is certified platinum in Australia. Enema of the State, is certified gold in the U.S.

The band's favorite movies are: Fletch, Three amigos, and Vacation.

Now, runs their own on-line retail skate shop called Loser Kids. The store has music, clothing, and boarding/skating items.

დასახელება: Blink 182 | დაამატა: Beria |
ნანახია: 1527 |  კომენტარი: 1

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vaiii rogor mikvaaars es jgufiii sad [b][i]

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